Monday, April 16, 2012

Social Media: Giving, Sharing, Team, Referrals

I truly Feel that A lot of People Just don't Get How Important Social Media is...
I wrote the Following Piece on Integrity (see below) That discusses Sharing, Referrals, Co-Creation, and Collaboration....

So Many PEOPLE are attempting to do things by themselves, The LONE RANGER MENTALITY...  Attempting to Save Money.... Hoard their clients, Ideas etc...  
WHY ???

Don't they Get the Core Principle of TEAM, Collaboration, Sharing, that is Takes Team Work, to Make the Dream's Work...

Don't they get that when YOU Spend Money on Self and Others You are also
then Creating Jobs for others and then- the Circle and Ebb and Flow of 
Abundance in all Areas of Everyone's Life's Starts to Open Up and a beautiful Circular Energy is then interconnected with the  ALL-US... 

Don't they Get until You Can truly Give and Share from the Space of Non-Attachment to the Outcome and that You are doing what You are doing because YOU Truly LOVE what You are doing AND... You KNOW You are Giving
Massive Value and Helping others, THAT ONLY THEN... Will the True Flow of  Massive Abundance Open Up...

Don't they GET that EVEN then, If You have what I will call "MIND VIRUSES", (A term I have heard Bob Burg use) Old Outdated Beliefs and Stories running around in YOUR unconscious mind, You are only going to get people taking advantage of YOU- And... then You are going to say...  You just CAN'T GIVE... It is Unhealthy to Just give, people will take advantage of YOU... YOU ARE RIGHT THEY WILL, because that is what YOU believe on an unconscious level...

Another unpopular Thought I have on Abundance and Sharing...
Why Do People want to DIE with a Ton of Money ???
I would Rather Spend My Money on the PEOPLE I LOVE and Care about while 
I am ALIVE, So I get to see them Enjoy it...  I am NOT saying Spend with No sense of Responsibility... I am NOT saying Do NOT have a Savings account and a Retirement Fund etc...  
I am SAYING... Share, Give, Collaborate with Others...
Make a Difference in this WORLD while YOU Are HERE, ALIVE NOW....



Integrity and What does Authentic Sharing, Collaboration and Teamwork Mean ???

Do You Do things for Others with the expectation of a Return favor ???

When You say Win-Win do You really Mean Win-Win or are You always in the back of YOUR mind keeping Score ???

In today's Society and Business it is has become very Apparent that Many Still are Afraid to Share their Ideas, Give Referrals out to others and have not TRULY learned the Art of Giving... They Hoard, and are coming from a Place of fear that somebody else might steal their idea... Business, Their clients etc... The Funny Thing is, when One is coming from that place of Fear, all they are Creating is the UNIVERSE presenting people in their life's that will prove their theory right...

What I absolutely LOVE about Bob Burg's Books the Go-Giver, and Go-Givers sell more is how it truly teaches what REAL GIVING is all about...  In Real Life and in Business...  

For more on Bob Burg click link:

If Everyone just got that YOUR Best Abundance Manufacturer comes from having Beyond Excellent Customer Service which means Giving above
and Beyond of Yourself, without keeping score. Doing because YOU LOVE what You are doing,  And... also being able to be HONEST with self and others when You Cannot serve a clients need because of time, resources, or that isn't your companies niche- And You are confident within Yourself and Your Company and NOT coming from a place of fear of Losing a Client and Can Say... Sorry and...  I can However Refer YOU to _____, they are great at that, and Please tell them I sent You, so they can take Excellent Care of YOU...

WOW... how things can Shift... Creating Teams, Associations, Co-Creating with others is What Life is all about... Promoting People, Businesses, Causes, People that You Truly Resonate with, You have their back as they have YOURS... Developing those Alliances to better SERVE Your Clients and Business...

Now that to me is what True Giving and Conscious Business Principles are all about...

I want to THANK Everyone who has been a part of my Co-Creation in life thus far... You mean the World to me, and I totally Love, Support, and Promote YOU to the Best of my ability... To Everyone's Success in all Areas of YOUR life...

Thank You ALL for being a Part of the World's Co-Creation, 
Team work is what makes the Dreams Work... 
Enjoy the Journey... 
The Muses of Carly Alyssa Thorne
Another Midnight Production
©Copyright All Right Reserved 2012


  1. Doing the right thing when no one is looking is the right thing. :)

  2. This is a great read for a Saturday morning! It's so true Team Work Makes The Dream Work !!

    1. Thanks Fran... and Yes Team work is what makes the Dream work.... Enjoy your weekend...

  3. In my experience, hoarding rather than sharing is usually a learned pattern you develop after being kicked in the teeth, stabbed in the back, etc. You don't get past it without overcoming quite a lot of injuries. Even when you move on, you probably bear the scars of the previous experiences.

    There is no question that results are better when attitudes are better. No doubt in my mind about that. I just think that there's probably something worthwhile in remembering that people aren't always resistant to that out of selfishness or lack of integrity.

    Thanks for another thought-provoker!


    1. Thanks Joe and Yes it is a Learned pattern, I just Love to write things like to YOU say that are THOUGHT PROVOKING... To Remind us etc...
      Enjoy the Weekend....


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